I am because we are, and because we are, therefore I am ...

The meaning of this African proverb is that the health of the black community is dependent upon the health of its individuals. Our name says it all:
Healing: "to free from grief, troubles, evil, to make sound, well, healthy"
Roots: "an essential or basic part, to become settled or established"
Village: a community of individuals, social-service providers, businesses and community and faith-based organizations who work to empower black women and their families

Monday, July 2, 2007

What's Next?

The good news is we have an unbelievable gift of TWO years to get this program ready for independence! Roslyn Farrington, a longtime women's advocate, suggests these next steps.

We need to get 6-8 people who will agree to:
1) A 3-year commitment to being on the board
2) Faithfully attend monthly meetings with work assignments in between
3) Attend a one day meeting, where we spend 1/2 a day building community and the other 1/2 creating a 3 year plan.

So, who's on board? Let's hear from you soon!

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