I am because we are, and because we are, therefore I am ...

The meaning of this African proverb is that the health of the black community is dependent upon the health of its individuals. Our name says it all:
Healing: "to free from grief, troubles, evil, to make sound, well, healthy"
Roots: "an essential or basic part, to become settled or established"
Village: a community of individuals, social-service providers, businesses and community and faith-based organizations who work to empower black women and their families

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Tangoing With Tornadoes is BACK!!

Sticks and stones can break my bones, but your words will break my heart ...
Don't miss Renee's next FREE concert. If you haven't seen her perform - as featured in February on Oregon Public Broadcasting - you're in for a treat. She and her amazing band, featuring pianist Daniel Crothers, will be performing poetry/music from Renee's latest book/CD/play, “Tangoing with Tornadoes.”

When: Friday, July 13, 2007 * Time: 7 p.m.
Place: PSU’s Lincoln Performance Hall, Broadway/Market

The National Black Women's Health Project identified domestic violence as our NUMBER ONE health issue. It is killing us - emotionally, physically & spiritually! Here’s how you can learn more about the issue:
DIVERSE PATHS - UNIVERSAL TRUTHS: Multicultural Perspectives of Domestic & Sexual Violence - A 10th annual interpersonal violence conference Sponsor: PSU’s Women's Studies Department

Friday, July 13, 5:30 - 9 p.m.Saturday, July 14, 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Lincoln Performance Hall, Portland State University
SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! HERE’S HOW TO REGISTER: 503-381-1170, www.ws.pdx.edu/registration.pdf

1 comment:

Healing Roots Village said...

Notes from The Healing Roots Center Meeting
June 27, 2007


The Healing Roots Center has been open since March, but the coordinator, Galadriel Mozee, has been serving clients since her hire in October. The United Way-funded project has two more years remaining until the grant ends. Ultimately, the advisory board will become the board of a self-sustaining center.

NappyRoots Press is on contract to put together at least two DV public awareness events a year. One of the events was on Valentines Day, a “Sistah Take Care To Be Well” event for single moms. Over 20 single, low-income women were treated to a spa day and surveyed about their knowledge about domestic violence.

NappyRoots Press also held an 8-week writing & journaling workshop, which was well received.


This advisoy board is interested in establishing as a non-profit with the goal of reaching back into the community through partnership with other agencies. Most importantly, the HRC is working to create a system that works for our community. Needed at this time is:

* Clarification on who's willing to make the commitment.
* Training on how to honor the individual woman’s choice to stay or leave her relationship.
* Gaining community buy-in through our common experiences and desire to give back. How can we do this?

Attendees (Prospective board members are starred):

S. Renee Mitchell ** - Founder of NappyRoots Press. Award winning advocate for survivors of domestic violence. Organizer of the advisory group.
Sia – Works for the NW Pilot Project and has experience in Housing Solutions and Homelessness. She has also worked with male batterers.
Cyreena Boston** – DV survivor. Activist on race, class and gender issues. Running for District 45, Democratic Party. Willing to do outreach and intake access, policy, and search for funding sources.
Mary Jo Thomas – Mental Health and Addictions specialist for Multnomah County. Working to get collaboration of church involvement and resources via the county.
Vanessa Timmons – Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence. Has several decades of social justice work in Domestic Violence, Feminism. Representative of NappyRoots Press.
Linda Hunter **– Community organizer for Our United Villages. Has worked for 13 years in social service to women. Interested in empowering women to be self-managers. Wants to help link resources and outreach.
Alexis Asihene** – DV survivor. Working for the DHS, Office of Multicultural Health, focusing on health disparities in under represented minorities, inclusive of domestic violence…
Galadriel Mozee – Coordinator of HRC. From Bend. Experienced in social justice work.
Roslyn Farrington** – PSU professor in women’s studies. Advocate and feminist for 20 years. Specializes in board development.
Benita Presley** – DV survivor. Women’s advocate for SEI’s DV program. Facilitates its domestic violence support group.
Lou Boston – Specialist in Strategic Planning, how to reach individual goals. Interested in recruitment of other males and creating partnerships with male programs to promote healthy relationships and decrease domestic violence, etc.

Everyone present is willing to work in some capacity to support the HRC.

--Minutes created by Alexis Asihene and S. Renee Mitchell